What to post about.

I was really in the mood for writing a blog post, but I don't really have anything to talk about. I wish I had some awesome "Celebrate the Boy:" project, but sadly my NEW sewing machine is STILL in it's box, which is so sad. But I just don't have the space to take it out and set it up. I have been adding to my fabric stash but have not used any since before Christmas, that's last year! I'm currently Creatively Frustrated. It is sad. I haven't even scapbooked or anything. I did a little bit of painting around valentine's day and made some valentines but never got around to handing them out :( I've been doing a lot of nothing lately. I've been ready many new blogs and some of my favorites but feel sad since 1. I can't do any of the projects,lack of space 2. I have no children to model or create the projects for. 3. I have yet to win any giveaway. Ok, so it's starting to sound like some complaining...
I've been reading The Chronicles of Narnia. I just finished The Horse and His Boy.  Next up is Prince Caspian.  And once I read the book, I watch the BBC video. Which is pretty cool and extremely accurate to the book.  And laundry, I've been doing laundry too. And I can't wait t'ill I can put it out on the line.  That's about it. So I don't really know what to post about, so here is my post about nothing much. Hope you enjoyed it.


  1. Sometimes just starting to write will get the creativity flowing again. I am also so lookingforward o being able to put clothes on the line, and making my fabric stash get smaller instead of bigger - soon!!!


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