The blessings of being 28

The blessings of being 28. Well... Birthdays are just days like any other, marked with cake and candles and sometimes gifts too. This year, I was blessed. Days before my birthday, Dustin invited many friends and prepare the big meal and we all got to share time together. Even our children enjoyed themselves. It was lovely and felt good and warming to the heart. We've gone through phases where friendships have been strained and virtually non-existent. So to start fresh, and a new town... In a new Province actually! With new friends and old ones too! Has just been so refreshing. To see others make the effort to come for my birthday, after the week they had, was so incredibly heartwarming. God has answered our prayers for friendships and relationships. We desperately needed a new support system, and now we have it. It's incredible.

For my actual birthday, it was just like any other day. The kiddos and I spent the day together. I did laundry, and did the dishes and prepared the meals. I got to watch sub Netflix and just relax with Dustin. It was nice. It's like the most simple things are the biggest blessings. Or maybe it just doesn't take much to make me happy!

My hopes for the next year are quite simple. I need to be healthier and work harder at it if I want that simple hope to be realized. I'm ready for another child, to carry him or her while God knits them in my womb. But my body needs to be healthier and to be ready for it. I have this strong feeling that this would be our last one. And I'm okay with that. I'm ready to add this last chapter in my pregnancies book. So every month will be full of Hope and prayers that little one should come and complete our family. That would be the best birthday present of all.

Those would be my blessings of being 28.


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