So excited to share this exciting news, my first niece and nephew have arrived.

Emma-Jeanne Brigitte Pilon joined us on September 26th at 3:18 pm. Weighing 8lbs 1oz and mesuring 22 1/2 inches. I had the honor of witnessing her birth and coaching her mama through it all. I also have the honor of being her Godmother and sharing my name with her. That touches my heart. To see a little one come into this world is an experience on it's own. To see mama in pain and exhausted, to encourage her and help her persevere because she is almost at the finish line and just needs one more big push to receive her priceless prize. A prize she will cherish for the rest of her life, That is an experience. Now having been on both sides of it makes it that much more special, it makes the emotions even more raw and beautiful. Here she is, the little princess. 

A few restful days later, Vincent Leo Paul Pilon joined us, September 29th at 5:27am. He weighed 7lbs 15oz and measured 21 inches. His first few moments of life were hard and scary but he has pulled through. He will be the toughest of all. He is the image perseverance. He is currently having a stay at CHEO but will be home in no time. His mommy and daddy have been so brave and strong. I tip my hat off to them, I don't know how I would handle everything they have been thru. Here is the little prince, the brave and courageous prince. 
  I am so excited to be an aunt, Being a mom is great, there are a lot of ups and downs. But seeing your little brothers become fathers is such a moving experience. These two precious babies are part of the family now. My boys have cousins. We are growing up.This part of adulthood seems to be pretty amazing so far. 

Only an Aunt can give hugs like a Mother, keep secrets like a Sister and share love like a Friend. 


  1. Aww brig, here we go again with the pregnancy hormones!!! I can't thank u enough for everything you've done for me ! Guiding my every move through the delivery and never giving up on me@! I admire that so much from u! I know that Emma-Jeanne will have the greatest godmother anyone can ask for and I can't wait to see you girls playing with her first doll you got for her!!! Days go by so fast next thing you'll know she will have one of her own!!! Love ya a !@ mommy and Emma-Jeanne xox


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