I asked Samson what I should write about today and he said daddy. That I should tell him I love him and blow him a kiss.
Today is pretty close to the day, seven years ago, when he asked me to marry him. Maybe more like whispered it to me, under the table, since he was down on one knee. It was such a precious moment. He was so nervous, shy and shaky. How could I have said no? He was and is the man of my dreams.
I don't think I have ever thanked him for asking me to spend the rest of my life with him. Dustin Michael Raymond Brunet, thank you for asking me to marry you.
I love being your wife. I love you. I love that you are strong and courageous. I love that you provide for me and the boys. I love that you have taken over my household responsibilities since I can not. I love how much you love the boys and I love watching you teach them new things. I love how you take care of me and spoil me. I love how you hold me and make me safe. I love how you are you. I love how you encourage me and how you console me. I love how you smile behind that beard of yours. I love you. But most of all, I love that you love God.
I love that you trust in Him, I love that you rely on Him, I love that you worship Him and I love that you live your life for Him. I love that you are who you are because you know Him.
You are my knight in shining armor. Not my geek in tin foil. You have the armor of God. You have the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace and the sword of the spirit. You are ready to take anything on. You can do all things through Him.
So here is my virtual kiss to you. I love you with all of my heart. All day, every day. Forever.
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