Ongoing Challenge


So, this June I decided to challenge myself to read through the Bible. And I started out GREAT, so I challenged myself to read it in 6 months. (...) Six months are up. I did not succeed my 6 month challenge. Although I have read from Genesis to Isaiah 20 and from Philippians to Revelations, I'm technically not even half way through. So, I'm extending my challenge to a 12 month challenge, while hoping to finish before then. 

I've been doing most of my reading on my phone, using a free Bible App. (YouVersion) and using an other one on my tablet (Olive Tree). And also reading in my physical Bible, I have a NCV New Century Version in the Max Lucado Life Application Bible. I like reading his comments on the side pages, he's really funny and to the point. No beating around the bush. 

So that's why I haven't been on here very much... or one of the reasons anyway.
An other reason next time..



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