Fully Alive by Ken Davis

Lighten up and live
Fully Alive
A journey that will change your life
by Ken Davis

In his book, Fully Alive, Ken Davis goes back to the moments in his life where he realized he was no longer fully alive, to where he makes his pleas to God to renew the life inside him and help him to lighten up and live. He compares those moments to stakes being pounded into the ground. He says: "The Glory of God is man fully alive' and that our purpose in life is to glorify Him. In this book, he shows us the path that he took to come back to the land of the living and encourages us to come and join him on his journey! Ken gives us his step by step instructions to stay on the path, starting by being physically fit. He shares his advice and tips on how to get started, how he got started and how he's kept going since then! The second key point is having intimate friendships, where deep trust and communication are highly valued. You can not be living fully alive if you are alone. You must make or rely on like minded friends, who will join you, encourage you and also depend on you, on your way back to life. Then, he talks about the "YOU" part. Although it's not about YOU, it's about God working in you and through you. You have to have the willingness to let it take place and the changes will amaze you. Then comes the Spiritual Growth. And you can't be fully alive without love.

The point is, don't give up on being Fully Alive, because then you'll be all dead. Fully Alive has personally motivated me to start trying harder and has shown me aspects that I need to work on. I totally recommend this book to all of those who need to come back to the land of the living and who chose to become fully alive.


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