Today is Remembrance day in Canada. And I think it is a very important day. Without all those men and women who dedicated their lives for our country and for the safety and development of other countries, we wouldn't be here and we wouldn't have all these wonderful freedoms we have. I thank them with all of my heart and am so grateful for their sacrifice. Some had to give their lives, some their arms or legs or eyes (thinking of a friend in particular) or some gave their minds and are not so recognized for doing so, like an other friend of mind says "Not all wounds are visible". I am also thankful for my husband, who is not a military man any more, but he gave 3 years of service and I am proud of him for doing so. I stood by him for those years, as hard as they were on our relationship, I realized today that I miss having his old uniforms lying around the house or seeing him dressed up. But that chapter in our lives is over. I may no longer be an army wife but my heart thinks I am. The Canadian Forces take up quite a bit of space in my heart, not only on November 11th, but on everyday of the year. Thank you to our veterans, to our Canadian Forces, Navy - Army and Air Force, to our Privates in training and to the next generation of Military Men and Women. Thank You.
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