Couples Who Pray Review

Couples Who Pray: The Most Intimate Act Between a Man and a Woman by Squire Rushnell and his wife Louise DuArt is about getting closer together as a couple. It is amazing what praying together can do for your marriage, the closeness to your spouse and to God simply uplifts you and harmonizes your relationship. It is a challenge to pray for 5 minutes a day for 40 days. Doing so, your marriage will reap so many blessings, like better communication, more respect for each other, you will begin to agree more than disagree, happiness and many more. The book includes the 40 day challenge and tools to compare your results to others, as well as simple tips to enhance your marriage relationship and your relationship with God. Who wouldn't want a more intimate relationship with their husband or wife and Heavenly Father? This book is a great idea for newly-weds and golden couples. But be ready, because this book is an adventure that will change your marriage for the best.


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