Day 13
Day 13 is a picture of my favorite band or musical artist. This one is a little hard, since I've been out of the musical loop for a while. I just recently got an MP3 player and have been enjoying the Greatest Hits of Bon Jovi while working out. And I do love the Michael W.Smith praise and worship music. And many more Christian artist I could spend my days listening to. I simply don't have a favorite. I use to, while in High School, I was a major "Les Trois Accords" fan, but I haven't even checked their website in over 2 years. Music is simply not what it use to be for me. I use to rely on it to get me through the day and now I can go days without purposely listening any music at all. And the fact that our car currently doesn't have a radio must have something to do with that :) So for today's picture, I shall leave you with melodious music notes :)

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