The Weekend is Near.
And so is our trip to the cottage ! But didn't we go last weekend ? you may wonder. Alas, no. Our Cottage trip was postponed to this weekend. And we are going with some Army friends, Phil & Mel. So the packing has commenced. I've got the dry food packed in a clear container, the cases of pop are at the front door. So all that is left is the cooler and the clothes and bedding. And then putting it all in the car. Which is a little hard to do so since it isn't here at the moment! The car is parked somewhere on base, since Dustin is in Ottawa, with a Rental Car. So that kind of puts a damper on the packing speed !
So, as soon as he gets here, we are heading to Shawville, to borrow the In-Laws truck. The funny part is that they were just here. They came up to do some shopping and decided to stop in for a little visit ! But yeah, we are borrowing their truck to get up to the cottage. It ought to be a fun weekend. Of course, Mr. T-Bone will be coming with us !

On a different note, both of my sister, the 11 year old and the 4 year old have spent the week with us in Petawawa. We went to the park, we went to the beach, we went shopping, we watched movies, Gab made a friend. It's been a good week, although we had a few breakdowns. But we survived !

Now, did you think I had forgotten ? Today is Friday after all. Are you wearing your Red proudly? Honestly, I am not yet, I'm still in my pj's. But I do plan on wearing some Red today.

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