A walk in the park.
And a party to remember.
Well, as I mentioned in yesterday’s post, it was my father’s 50th birthday yesterday and we planned him a Surprise Party. Well, as it usually does, it didn’t work out as planned. Here’s the thing about my dad, he usually works late, like until 7:30 -8 o’clock. Well yesterday, he was done early, like 1 o’clock. We had planned to bring him to a restaurant, saying my mom’s car having a flat tire, conveniently near the restaurant, and have everybody meet us there a little earlier. My husband and I picked up my little sister at daycare and my brothers got off at my uncle’s place, so all my mom had to do is pick my other sis up at home. My aunt was picking up the cake.
So, this is how it all went down: Dustin (my hubby) and I, with Boo (lil sis) were at the restaurant when we see my dad drive by in the direction of the daycare! So we freak out. Call my bros so that they call my mom and let her know to think up plan B. So then, they come over and help decorate, 2 minutes later, my mom arrives and we’re all decorating. Then, my dad’s assistant walks in the restaurant, surprised to see us, tells us that dad is on his way home? So, mom gets him to call my dad and fibs and tells him his van broke down at the restaurant. Because if my dad gets home, nobody will be there and he’ll figure it out. So, he finally gets to the restaurant and is surprised by us, his wife and 6 children and son-in-law. Why? Because it’s not even 5:30 yet and no one else has arrived! So we all keep decorating, while my dad sits there and drinks a coffee and watches us. People finally start arriving, we order, eat, have cake, he opens presents and we clean up a bit and all go home :) It was a happy birthday evening!
Today was a good day. All though I still haven’t gotten around to doing the dishes, I did bring T-Bone, our 2 year old golden lab – Pit bull mix, for a walk around the block and the park. He seemed to enjoy himself. We hadn’t gone for a walk since last summer sometime. Why? Because at some point he decided to chew through his leash and we simply forgot to buy him a new one. So last weekend, I splurged and bought him a nice red one! Now hopefully this will be a daily thing, the walks not the leash chewing :)

Well, as I mentioned in yesterday’s post, it was my father’s 50th birthday yesterday and we planned him a Surprise Party. Well, as it usually does, it didn’t work out as planned. Here’s the thing about my dad, he usually works late, like until 7:30 -8 o’clock. Well yesterday, he was done early, like 1 o’clock. We had planned to bring him to a restaurant, saying my mom’s car having a flat tire, conveniently near the restaurant, and have everybody meet us there a little earlier. My husband and I picked up my little sister at daycare and my brothers got off at my uncle’s place, so all my mom had to do is pick my other sis up at home. My aunt was picking up the cake.
So, this is how it all went down: Dustin (my hubby) and I, with Boo (lil sis) were at the restaurant when we see my dad drive by in the direction of the daycare! So we freak out. Call my bros so that they call my mom and let her know to think up plan B. So then, they come over and help decorate, 2 minutes later, my mom arrives and we’re all decorating. Then, my dad’s assistant walks in the restaurant, surprised to see us, tells us that dad is on his way home? So, mom gets him to call my dad and fibs and tells him his van broke down at the restaurant. Because if my dad gets home, nobody will be there and he’ll figure it out. So, he finally gets to the restaurant and is surprised by us, his wife and 6 children and son-in-law. Why? Because it’s not even 5:30 yet and no one else has arrived! So we all keep decorating, while my dad sits there and drinks a coffee and watches us. People finally start arriving, we order, eat, have cake, he opens presents and we clean up a bit and all go home :) It was a happy birthday evening!
Today was a good day. All though I still haven’t gotten around to doing the dishes, I did bring T-Bone, our 2 year old golden lab – Pit bull mix, for a walk around the block and the park. He seemed to enjoy himself. We hadn’t gone for a walk since last summer sometime. Why? Because at some point he decided to chew through his leash and we simply forgot to buy him a new one. So last weekend, I splurged and bought him a nice red one! Now hopefully this will be a daily thing, the walks not the leash chewing :)

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